Careers in the Redwoods Streams and rivers need to be restored for a variety of reasons but most of the time restoration is needed because people have not treated them well. To repair the damage caused by past mining or logging operations, a restoration biologist will come to a stream with the plants and animals […]
Author: Michael Kauffmann
Redwood Forest Curriculum Overview
Learn about the redwood curriculum developed specifically for the North Coast! These lessons are cross curricular and are built to be used in kindergarten through high school. K-5 Place-based Redwood Curriculum for the North Coast Discover a variety of lessons developed for both K-2 and 3-5 learners Activities designed for the classroom, school campus, and […]
Park Interpreter

Careers in the Redwoods A park interpreters’ job is to create connections between parks and visitors to parks. Today, Erika Granadino is doing this by leading a virtual hike at Humboldt Redwoods State Park in southern Humboldt County. Erika’s job with California State Parks is reimagining how field trips happen through the passPORTS Project. […]

Careers in the Redwoods Loggers perform a variety of jobs at a job site. Their overall goal is to cut down trees and then be able to load the logs onto trailers to be transported to mills. In this episode of Careers in the Redwoods, we explore the many pathways to achieve a logging career […]

Careers in the Redwoods The word scientist is a term used to describe someone who researches the world to develop a better understanding of how things work. There are many different scientists including those who develop our medicines, study our solar system, and those who do research in redwoods forests. There are also many different […]

Careers in the Redwoods Sometimes trees need care just like people do in order to stay healthy. An arborist provides this kind of care. Trees provide many benefits to people but sometimes, if left untouched, they could cause damage. They may overgrow onto power lines or people’s homes. They could also cause damage in severe […]
Radiolab for Kids

Here is a way to incorporate podcasts into your homeschooling routine. Radiolab for Kids is perfect for 2nd-12th graders to inspire scientific questioning, thinking, and written reflection.
Neighborhood Field Guide

Take time to document what you find around your house, in your neighborhood, or on your school campus Creating a neighborhood field guide is a fun way to integrate art and science while learning some of the plants and animals that live near you. it is also a way to keep the family (or your […]
STEM and Environmental Literacy at Home

As we work to deal with school closures and social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic, I have assimilated a selection activities surrounding STEM and Environmental Literacy–all of which can be done at home as part of an independent study. These lessons have been created by local, credentialed educators and celebrate place-based learning in Humboldt County. […]
Redwood Range

Calculating the range of Sequoia sempervirens in California Using the following maps, estimate the range of redwoods in all the California counties in which the species is found.