The following are resources for curriculum, environmental education opportunities, and grant funding to take a child outside!
Curriculum Links
Environmental Education Opportunities
- CREEC Region 1
- Redwood Ecology for Kids
- Save the Redwoods Education Grants
- Humboldt Area Foundation
- Target grant for field trips
Curricular Ideas:
Phenology Curriculum
- Art and Science: Draw morphology — teach “scientific drawing”
- Godwit Days bird art (April) also has writing contest!
- California Native Plant Society wildflower art show (May)
- Monarch Art Contest through CDE
- Journal each day about your world and what you see
- Magic spot — reflect weekly/monthly
- Monitoring plot (4×4 or larger)
- Photograph change through the seasons
- Write and reflect on those changes
- Start an iNaturalist project or eBird hotspot
KHUM Happy trails featuring Rosie Slentz discussing getting school kids out of the classroom for a variety of activities. Rosie is with the Humboldt County Office of Education and previously a 5th grade teacher in Trinidad.